
Whisper Button

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  • Some quality adult time every day.
  • Have fun every day.
  • A bit of reading if appropriate every day (independent or to them or via audiobook)
  • Some free writing or drawing as appropriate.
  • Practical hands on maths – via cooking, cleaning, outside or some maths games, physical or digital.
  • Do something in the garden, watering, digging, planting, bug hunting.
  • Some fine motor work. Lego, cutting, playdough, tidying up small toys.
  • Physical exercise every day. You can go for a walk in pairs. The weather is great at the moment and you can thrive in the outdoors whether a wheelchair user or someone able bodied, but just remember social distancing is VITAL and COULD SAVE LIVES!
  • Some art/music where possible through the week. Doesn’t always need you to direct it.
  • Lots of imaginative free play, the more independent the better.