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At the end of January already, here are a few links to good reads and information around what is out there at the minute around Autism.Growing Up with Autism Undiagnosed | Different Minds This is a lady’s own story of how she grew up with Autism but did not get...
Online Safety Meeting

Online Safety Meeting

On 28th January we held an Online Safety Group meeting to discuss various areas of Online Safety within school. This included the 360 Safe Award, filtering and monitoring, Connect and Respect Visits and the various resources we have in school. We also discussed a...
Our trip to Ullswater

Our trip to Ullswater

MONDAY 22ND JANUARY We were away from school by around 10.30 and had a good journey with a lunch stop at Tebay services. As soon as we arrived we were met by Martin and Chloe who explained what was going to happen first. Bags into our rooms and beds to be made! Then...
A visit from Farmer John

A visit from Farmer John

On Thursday 18th January, we were treated to a visit from Farmer John from the National Union of Farmers. We enjoyed hearing all about his life on his dairy farm in Whitewell, near Preston. He showed us photographs of how fields are ploughed, what happens when sheep...


Action for Happiness brings people together and provides practical resources. They help each other learn evidence-based skills for happier living, feel a sense of belonging and commit to personal action to create more happiness, for ourselves and others.Each month,...


On 21st December, as is tradition to draw the Autumn term to a close, we held our annual Christingle service with the whole school, college and staff team. Christingle is a joyful celebration that brings us all together to shine the light and spread a message of hope....
Cards for Kindness

Cards for Kindness

Here is just a small selection of the cards made by our students which have been split into envelopes that will be posted off to 6 local care homes as part of the ‘Cards for Kindness’ campaign. Well done...
Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner

The holiday spirit swept through our school on the 20th of December as staff and students came together for our annual whole school and college Christmas lunch. Transforming the refectory into a festive haven, the dedicated kitchen staff adorned tables with delightful...